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You know what you want, but sometimes it's hard to stay aligned with what you desire.


This Manifestation Sheet is a simple, yet essential tool that you can use to pinpoint what you desire and manifest your goals and dreams. Set your intention, craft a petition to the Universe, pinpoint what you need to release, then harness the energy of what you are making space for, and you're all set! Includes space to write affirmations that align with your goals and desires, as well as room to write down any actions you plan to take to bring you closer to your goal.


All you have to do is print it out and fill in the blanks to work your magic. If you want to add a little extra witchiness to this process, you can light a white candle as you fill it out, meditate before you fill it out, or fill it out on a new moon as part of your new moon ritual.


This Manifestation Planner is simple and direct, making it an easy addition to your rituals, vision boards, or any practice you utilize to manifest your desires. 

Manifesting Sheet

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