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365 Days of Divine Feminine Wisdom

a Hay House publication

365 Days of Divine Feminine Wisdom is a daily devotional to the modern seeker's inner spirit, one's inner goddess. Travel through the year with the main three archetypes of divine feminine energy: maiden, mother, and crone, and learn to understand yourself better. Filled with inspirational and thought-provoking prose, 365 Days of Divine Feminine Wisdom is an oracle you can return to year after year, no matter where you are in your journey.


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p a r a d o x w r i t e s, a space to explore the nature of one's own duality, a secret garden, lush with elements of dark and light, overgrown with themes of life and death, sex and creativity. here we appreciate and admire the occult and the secrets of the Unknown, life’s mysteries. won't you join us?

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